Episode 30: Opportunity Zones – Bob Waun and Loren Guzik of Pike Street Properties, LLC
In this episode, Phil sits down with Bob Waun and Loren Guzik, two of the principals of Pike Street Properties, LLC, to discuss the new tax advantaged vehicle that everyone is talking about: Opportunity Zones. Pike Street is currently embarking on an endeavor to create and raise capital through the use of Opportunity Zone Funds, which was created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (a/k/a the Trump Tax Plan). Pike Street intends to raise these funds and invest in the communities they care about, namely, Pontiac and Flint Michigan. These gentlemen have been trying to revitalize these blighted areas for years, and now through this new vehicle, they may get their opportunity.
This bi-partisan initiative allows capital gains to be invested in certain designated opportunity zones and, if done following numerous specific guidelines (some of which are still being determined), can have significant tax benefits including deferred gains, step up in basis of 10% after 5 years, 15% after 7 years, and a waiver of gains on the appreciation of the investment if held for over 10 years.
Bob Waun
You can learn more about the Opportunity Zones and Pike Street here: https://www.pikestreetproperties.com/
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